
Bye Bye Baby Belly

Written by Ms Fitness

Getting in Shape Without Hitting the Gym

For new mothers who aren’t graced with a bikini body immediately after giving birth, few things are more irksome than watching lithe supermodels stalk the runway one month postpartum. While this serves as excellent motivation to get back into pre-baby shape, some women feel intimidated by the idea of going to the gym; others are stay-at-home mothers and do not have this luxury. Fortunately, there are many ways that new mommies can get a head start on reclaiming their former shape in the comfort of their own home.

Most fitness centers are filled with state-of-the-art machines and gadgets, but do you really need all of it? Investing in a single piece of exercise equipment is often enough to jump start your fitness routine–no membership fees required. If you have a limited budget, consider purchasing a secondhand recumbent bicycle, stair-stepper or elliptical machine.

For an engaging workout, pop in a fitness DVD and burn calories while your little one naps. Once characterized by spandex and neon leotards, the new generation of workout programs has something to offer for everyone. Choose from DVDs featuring yoga, dance, Pilates and even aerobic striptease. Instant streaming services like Netflix offer dozens of different fitness videos, and many cable channels have similar offerings. With your baby monitor close by, you can turn your garage or spare bedroom into your own gym!

If you and your little one are suffering from cabin fever, load up on sunblock and walk around your neighborhood while pushing a stroller. This is perfect for new mothers who have other children, and creates an opportunity for the entire family to stay connected and healthy. Make these walks a part of your daily routine, and you will find yourself looking forward to this special time. Of course, this is also the perfect opportunity to show off your little bundle of joy to all your neighbors.

When you do not have the luxury of a nanny or babysitter, getting out of the house can be a major challenge. As a result, many women have organized meetup groups that cater to new mothers and their babies. Programs like Stroller Strides and Mommy Moves are designed to incorporate your baby’s stroller into a fun and upbeat workout routine. Some of these groups meet at local parks and hiking trails, offering you the opportunity to meet other mothers while you and your baby enjoy being outdoors on a beautiful day. Participation in most programs is usually free of charge.

Of course, you would never go back to a time before your little one, even if you wish your body would. Whether you have have only five pounds or fifty to lose, take heart knowing that there is hope for your body. When going to the gym isn’t an option, try these guidelines for in-home toning and trimming. While you may not see results overnight, rest assured knowing that you will be one step closer to getting your former body back. In fact, adopting these activities may leave you looking even better than before!

About the author

Ms Fitness

This Fitness Enthusiast is the author of many best ranked fitness blog articles, the book Understanding-bad-cholesterol, and the mini series novel Fitness Freak of Miami